When a New York lawyer realizes that he is the latest in a long line of Holly’s discarded lovers he decides to get even with her. In order to blackmail her, he gets a gangster to secretly film Holly with her new lover in their hotel room.
场景 1.儿媳接到公公的电话后,去接岳父,说他从光天化日之下就醉醺醺地睡着了。平时想着觊觎儿媳妇的公公,喝醉了看到她,肆无忌惮地爱抚她,刺激了她的。激动的儿媳妇忍不住接受了公公。
场景 2.
Akira (Mako Komaki) was helped by Tetsuko (Moe Amatsuka), a user of “Hadakaken”, who was attacked by the vigilantism. She tries to learn “Hadaka Fist” to help her captive boyfriend, but it is a fist method that causes the other party to die by sexual intercourse. Using “Hadakaken” means losing her virginity. Should I protect my boyfriend (loved one) or virgin (virgin)? What is the too sad conclusion of the maiden who is shaken by the conflict?
It is an exclusive club that provides sex at night, not a brothel. It offers a fascinating story: a woman and two customers named Alex fall in love at the same time. They are treated equally in exactly the same way, except that they are a man and a woman, and the bar woman doesn’t know which way to choose. A mysterious man tells of his even more mysterious mother, who is rich, artistic, but a cat burglar, who one day steals sex at a writer’s house and gets the best steal of his life, “son”; A woman is celebrating her thirtieth birthday. Her friend gives her a mysterious gift. It is revealed that it is the body of a man she has long admired. Two lovers who have not seen each other for a year are dating again. Both of them are reluctant, but they can not forget the harmonious sex at that time. They almost miss it. One beautiful night, four stories, four wonderful sexual adventures. No credit information is available for this movie. You can help add!
前米娅被困在与虐待者权(Sunny Pang,也在今年的电影节阵容中出演爆头)的无爱婚姻中,权是一个经营烤肉店的屠夫。当她遇到敏感的殡仪馆主任吴时,他们对彼此的热情升级为婚外情。但通往真爱的道路充满了嫉妒,迫使某人做出致命的举动。
这是痴迷于敏儿身体的镇京与同时感受到爱和友谊的敏儿之间的爱情故事。Jin-kyeong 在精神上和身体上安慰着在男友失踪后正在经历艰难时期的 Min-ah。敏儿松了一口气,Jin-kyeong在那里。有一天,敏儿遇到了学生允宰,并被他的外表和气味都像她的前男友这一事实迷住了。允宰勾引敏儿并骚扰她。
Sugar,专长是性爱的新一代AV女优!她正在寻找一个良好且强烈的男人来感受她的性爱。2024 年在韩国 AV 行业引发代际转变的顶级新色色女演员 Sugar 的诚实狂野的性生活将被揭晓。她非常喜欢性爱,她的理想类型是一个拥有大块头和良好耐力的男人,她可以和他发生很多性关系。糖,一个真正懂得享受性的大胆成人女演员!她是一个天真无邪的菜鸟,通过与合作演员一起实际感受她的床戏,而不仅仅是表演它们,她很容易被弄湿!在她的电影出场中,你可以看到她真正兴奋时的色情呻吟,而不仅仅是表演。因为她是一个外向的人,所以她的性格在工作和娱乐之间是不一样的,但说到性,她总是真的很喜欢,无论是在工作中还是在娱乐中。