贤淑(金喜爱 饰)靠着在超市工作所得的微薄收入艰难抚养着两个女儿万智(高智星 饰)和天智(金香奇 饰),两个女孩虽然身为姐妹,却拥有着截然相反的性格。万智个性孤僻而叛逆,和家人之间关系十分冷淡;天智则乖巧可爱,常常想着法子逗妈妈开心。 让贤淑和万智没有想到的是,乐观开朗的天智竟然在某一日选择了结束自己的生命,这一噩耗犹如一道晴空霹雳打响在贤淑一家人的头顶之上,使得本就辛苦的生活变得更加举步维艰。然而,即便如此,贤淑和万智还是坚强的维系着正常的生活。一次偶然中,万智意外的得知了有关妹妹生前的一些讯息,这些讯息让她明白了妹妹真正的死因和竭力隐藏的某个秘密。
Hidden Kingdoms is an innovative new series from the BBC's Natural History Unit. For the first time it takes the viewer into a unique and unexplored miniature world, immersing you into the action-packed lives of the planet's smaller animals.
Based in six of the planet’s most iconic landscapes: the open plains of Africa’s savannah, Arizona’s desert, the forests of Borneo, the woodlands of North America and the urban jungles of Rio and Tokyo. We’ll experience and see these habitats from a new visual perspective, pushing between blades of grass will feel like journeying deep into the densest jungle, while running from a hunting lizard will feel like a visit to Jurassic Park.
This is a different approach to a traditional wildlife series. Based entirely on biologically accurate behaviour, it employs a unique range of filming techniques and constructed storytelling to recreate these animals' own distinctive perspectives and to illustrate the dynamism of their lives.
Journey behind the scenes with Hidden Kingdoms to explore some of the techniques used to create this unique viewpoint, and why they were so important when revealing behaviour never before filmed.