2012韩国剧情历史片《双面君王 》由秋昌旼导演,李秉宪主演,影片讲述的是:
朝政混乱,形式紧张的朝鲜时代,位居权利最高点的朝鲜君王——光海(李秉宪 饰)虽然手握大权,但却依然无法摆脱派系间的斗争和被觊觎其权利的旁人“毒害”的危机。心思颇深的光海和其参谋大臣徐均(柳承龙 饰)在民间找到了和光海本人极其相似的平民——夏善来作为他的替身,替他阻挡那些来自四面八方的危机。和光海的性格南辕北辙的夏善是个心思单纯的普通老百姓,被推倒最前线的他不得不模仿光海的模样,作为他的傀儡。这样大的反差引起了皇后(韩孝珠 饰)的注意和困惑。随着时间的加深,光海和夏善,这两个既相似又完全不同的人展开了他们相互交集的人生。
Robert Tucker, a sorrowful, solitary man, given to bouts of weeping, tries to balance his life caring for his aging mother, his Catholicism, his homosexuality, and his dull job. One night, after his mother has gone to bed, he dons leather and heads for a private club. He telephones a tattoo artist with a special request. He goes to confession, accusing himself of despairing. He cries out during a nightmare, waking his mother. "You're a good boy," she's told him. He prays the Stations of the Cross, and he lives out his own sorrowful mysteries.