谢尔盖和基拉被认为是 90 年代初圣彼得堡电影爱好者中最美丽的波西米亚夫妇。他们奇妙的恋情以基拉离开小镇,逃离新生活、新关系而告终。谢尔盖不久后就去世了。直到几年后,基拉才意识到她从未停止过对谢尔盖的爱。而且她注定要与死去的情人进行永无止境的对话。
科学家阿尔玛在柏林著名的佩加蒙博物馆工作。为了获得研究经费,她同意参加一个不同寻常的实验。在三周的时间里,她要和一个人形机器人汤姆生活在一起,这个人工智能被设计成她理想的生活伴侣。机器以英俊的人形设计,是为她的快乐而造的。接下来是一个悲剧故事,探讨了爱、渴望和人类的概念。导演玛丽亚·施拉德曾获得银熊演员奖,同时也是一位出色的电影导演,她改编了Emma Braslavsky的故事,并为其注入了电影的暗示力量。她展现了对表演化学反应的深刻理解,她恰到好处地挑选并指导了一对主角,他们是有趣而不自然的、失败的一对。但是,还有什么比研究分析和感觉之间的颤动更有成效的呢?毕竟,诗歌也能用到左脑逻辑。
改编自D. Eric Maikranz所著小说《转世文献》(The Rein carnationist Papers),聚焦一个被自己前两世的记忆缠绕的男子,引出一群几乎长生不死、几世纪来多次转生的人,被称为“无限/无穷之人”,他们的组织叫“Cognomina”。为了打败想毁灭地球的邪恶力量,他们必须依靠这个精神分裂的男子,而后者先要搞清楚:他常做的奇怪的梦都是前世的记忆。
After Melissa and her family seek shelter from a storm, they become trapped. With no sign of rescue, hours turn to days and Melissa comes to realize that she and her girlfriend Amy might have something to do with the horrors that threaten to tear her family - and the entire world, apart.
After waking up from a horrific car accident, April must find a way to work through her trauma and a will to survive a recovery from hell.
Six years after her husband, a prominent Belgrade lawyer, died in a fire, Anja Kolar receives information that makes her question everything she thought she knew about the accident and about her own family as well. At the same time the sudden death of his best friend's daughter draws police inspector Dejan Strbac into a whirlpool of crimes, starting with the mysterious disappearance of a young female lawyer, which took place six years earlier.