南洋富庶之国新加坡,著名的鱼尾狮突然喷涌鲜血,预示着新的阴谋和危机的到来。与此同时,京极真(桧山修之 配音)即将参加在新加坡举办的空手道锦标赛。为了给男友助威,土豪之女铃木园子(松井菜樱子 配音)邀请小兰(山崎和佳奈 配音)及其他的朋友们一同飞往新加坡。只不过由于新一正以小学生的身份存在,所以他没有护照。当一阵昏迷之后,柯南(高山南 配音)苏醒过来,惊讶地发现自己已经身处新加坡。而就在不远处,正在和小兰快乐交谈的居然是工藤新一。原来这一切都是怪盗基德(山口胜平 配音)搞的鬼,不久前鱼尾狮喷血事件,直接将罪名栽在基德身上。 而这一切凶险事件,都与空手道锦标赛的奖品——宝石“绀青之拳”息息相关……
歌手出身、曾凭《追梦女郎》获奥斯卡最佳女配的哈德森饰演“魅力猫”葛丽兹贝拉,历尽沧桑的她将唱出经典歌曲《Memory》,别的演员角色尚未公布。汤姆·霍伯(《国王的演讲》《悲惨世界》《丹麦女孩》)执导,Lee Hall(《跳出我天地》)编剧,Working Title影业出品,11月在英国开拍。
After a series of disturbing supernatural events in his home, Joel, a young single father, comes to suspect that his young son may be possessed.
When six-year-old Sophie is tragically orphaned guardianship is assigned to her estranged aunt Annabelle. The two move into a large, eerie, Victorian house where Sophie unearths a locked wooden box with a strange symbol drawn on it. Desperate to connect with her niece Annabelle pries the lock open revealing a beautiful music box. Each time the music box is wound and replayed it's surprisingly chilling melody plays slightly longer, captivating Sophie even more. When the music box begins affecting Sophie's behavior and health Annabelle seeks the aid of a child psychologist and clairvoyant who soon discover the music box is possessed by an evil spirit who seeks to haunt Sophie and destroy Annabelle. As the haunting intensifies time begins to run out and Annabelle finds herself racing against the music box's melody to defeat the spirit before the last note plays.