The latest by powerhouse artist-filmmaker duo Christine Molloy and Joe Lawlor picks up a thread from their last film THE FUTURE TENSE, a soulful investigation of Ireland’s tumultuous history. Here, using the form of a heist movie, they tell the true story of Rose Dugdale (played by Imogen Poots), a young heiress who rebelled against her English aristocratic upbringing to volunteer with the Irish Republican Army. In 1974, Dugdale and her collaborators swiped 19 paintings—including Rubens, Goya, and Vermeer—from a private home, using these treasures as leverage for the liberation of four IRA prisoners. Lawlor and Molloy’s highly atmospheric thriller plunges us into the Troubles with heart-stopping intensity, and Poots is riveting as the revolutionary. Beneath her radical facade, we see her fragility and inner turmoil, as she wrestles with appreciation for the beautiful artifacts of a world she has set out to destroy, and the fear of the chaos she has unleashed.
影片聚焦臭名昭著的波士顿扼杀者谋杀案:1962年到1964年,13名单身女性在公寓被袭击、性侵、勒死,警方经调查锁定嫌犯Albert DeS alvo,后者认罪被判终身监禁,之后在监狱被人杀死。此案存在诸多疑点,真正的连环杀手和杀害DeSalvo之人至今仍是谜。
上一部「人夫俱乐部」三位“猪朋狗友” 刚合力化解逼婚危机,这次遭遇的麻烦又再度升级!“妈宝男”阿佳(陈家乐 饰)备婚过程中在女友可怡(卫诗雅 饰)和佳母(金燕玲 饰)的攻守战中陷入囧境,甜蜜关系拉响警报;改邪归正的“软饭男”灰熊(朱栢康 饰)如今专注相妻教女,却发现富婆妻子Jenny(谈善言 饰)疑似在外偷养小狼狗,抓奸行动势在必行;“三不男”阿健(岑珈其 饰)疫情期间与女友Jessica(杨偲泳 饰)日日高潮后竟意外中奖,天降宝宝一时不知是喜是悲……面对人类几千年都解决不了的世纪难题,三个男人该如何抉择,才能将爱情与人生拉回正轨?