一场意外,改变了一对母女的命运。病床上的母亲李焕英(刘佳 饰)昏迷不醒,女儿贾晓玲(贾玲 饰)涕泗横流,唯恐与母亲阴阳两隔。恍惚之中,晓玲突然穿越到久远以前的陌生时代,并在那里意外邂逅尚待字闺中的青年李焕英(张小斐 饰)。在此之后,晓玲以远亲相称,成为妈妈形影不离的好姐妹。许是见证了妈妈数十年来的劳苦辛酸,晓玲希望通过努力改变妈妈的命运,让她变成一个幸福快乐、富足无忧的女人。而一系列搞笑、感人的小故事,就围绕这对姐妹花母女展开…… 本片根据贾玲取材自身经历创作的同名小品改编。
Do-gyeong jumped in to save his student Jiyong from drowning. After the two pass away, Myeongji, Do-gyeong's wife, and Jieun, Jiyong's sister, are left alone in the world, having to cope with the loss of their loved ones. Myeongji travels to Warsaw, Poland, to avoid her harsh reality. She meets an old friend and hides her husband's death as if trying to reject the tragedy.
Rebellious, irreverent wunderkind Gülseren navigates loneliness, love and loss against the current of political turmoil and social change.