大汗国派兵出征,军队意外带回小国王后(苏菲·玛索 饰)祖传的三色镯,一个侵蚀帝国上下的魔咒由此开启。
骄傲的帝王(姜文 饰)为解救被魔咒附身的女儿图兰朵(关晓彤 饰),遍寻天下能人破局。自小流浪到汗国的孤儿卡拉夫(迪伦·斯普罗斯 饰)与公主相遇并互相倾慕。因同情图兰朵的痛苦境遇,卡拉夫不惜以性命为代价解救心上人,然而却不知那魔咒与自己神秘的身世密切相关。此时的帝国王室因为魔咒掀起一场腥风血雨,嗜杀的将军(胡军 饰)欲凭借三色镯的力量谋权,君臣倾轧一触即发。每个人都面临着艰难选择,几方势力因为魔咒逐渐卷进了旋涡中心。
After surgery glamorous actress, Veronica Ghent, travels with her nurse, Desi, to the remote highlands in order to attend a healing retreat. The other guests are eccentric and there is something different about the land; the nature seems to have a purpose of its own. Immersing herself in the dramatic surroundings, Veronica is given a new lease of life and finds purpose through the magical elements in the land. Desi must overcome her own battles to help Veronica make peace with herself. Veronica and Desi, the motherless child and the childless mother, find in each other a sense of family, and the future of a new dawn opens up to them.
故事发生在一座荒芜的南方小镇中,这里的环境因为重工业的无节制发展而遭到了严重的破坏,居民们接二连三的从这里搬走,可以想象,不久之后,这个小镇将成为一座废城。少女水青(李庚希 饰)自幼失去了母亲,在继母造成的阴霾之下长大,她唯一的愿望就是能够见一见未曾谋面的生母曲婷(万茜 饰)。 在十七岁这一年,水青的梦想成真了,曲婷回到了小镇,重新参与进了水青的生活之中,带给了她久违的温暖和快乐。曲婷和水青的闺蜜们还一起组建了“青春兔子帮”,大家一起快乐的这段日子是水青生命中唯一一抹亮色,但这一抹亮色,却因为一个名叫老杜(黄觉 饰)的神秘男人的到来,而遭到了破坏。
影片以不久的将来为背景,通过卡梅伦(马赫沙拉·阿里 Mahershala Ali 饰)的眼睛讲述了一段充满力量和情感的旅程。卡梅伦被诊断患有绝症,医生向他提出了另一种解决方案,以保护他的家人免受悲痛。当卡梅伦挣扎着是否要改变他的家庭命运时,他学到了比他想象的更多关于生活和爱情的知识。影片探索了我们将走多远,以及我们愿意牺 牲多少,为我们所爱的人创造更幸福的生活。
With only nightmares for childhood memories, Lily Stone returns to her family home to find out what happened to her parents. Despite the locals' warnings about an evil presence cursing the house, Lily crosses the threshold and discovers not all the ghosts that haunt us are dead.