故事发生在上一作之前,伊斯特(伊莎贝拉·弗尔曼 Isabelle Fuhrman 饰)冒名顶替了一个在幼时失踪的女孩的身份,来到了翠西亚(朱丽娅·斯蒂尔斯 Julia Stiles 饰)和艾伦(罗西弗·萨瑟兰 Rossif Sutherland 饰)夫妻两人的家中,面对失而复得的女儿,艾伦显得非常的激动,而伊斯特所展现出的在艺术上的天赋让这对“父女”之间很快就建立起了亲密无间的关系。
主要讲述了锁山一脉的张三爷(元彪 饰)与徒弟张怀义(吴豪 饰)、慕青(王韵涵 饰)、师弟赫老鬼(戴维 饰)一行人,围绕麻姑墓经历了一系列光怪陆离的故事。棺山一直流传着麻姑古墓的故事,相传只要找到神秘玉枕就可打开麻姑墓,墓中不仅有长生之术,还有数不尽的黄金宝藏,这巨大的诱惑让不少居心叵测的人蠢蠢欲动,其中以罗蛮子为代表的军阀一方尤其猖狂。而以张三爷为首的锁山一门为探寻真相,利用门派秘技定位古墓位置,就在古墓即将开启时,他们却遭遇到军阀的野蛮阻碍,让行动陷入僵局。
A chilling mystery thriller, blessed by stirring imagination and striking acting performances, especially by child actors. Among witty scares invented by the director herself, we get closer to untreatable true sins of the Catholic religion. Skilfully raised fantasies about exorcism, possession and resurrection slowly transform into breath-taking horror, which may not leave your thoughts for a long time after the screening.
A devotedly faithful family mourns their elder son Han-byul. Both parents sincerely believe that it is the hand of good lord Jesus that tests them with painful suffering. The reverend advises adopting a child with special needs and sharing all the love they still have in their wounded hearts after the tragic accident. So the grieving parents embrace visually impaired charismatic Isaac, who quickly finds his place in their spacious two-storey house. The acutely sensitive boy counts that the kind family still consists of seven members, and witnesses how the crying Han-byul constantly visits them. Confused by incredible revelations, the mother starts to notice previously unseen guiding signs.
Guilt confronts sanity. Grief transmits into fear. Doubts bring home obsession. New clues expose hurtful lies. Divine faith opens all gates to powerful devilish manipulations. The prolonged process of healing disperses into drowned secrets. How long can you believe something whispered by someone who is not entirely trustworthy? How far will a loving mother go to protect her adopted child who suddenly uncovers not-so-pleasant truths?