It is an exclusive club that provides sex at night, not a brothel. It offers a fascinating story: a woman and two customers named Alex fall in love at the same time. They are treated equally in exactly the same way, except that they are a man and a woman, and the bar woman doesn’t know which way to choose. A mysterious man tells of his even more mysterious mother, who is rich, artistic, but a cat burglar, who one day steals sex at a writer’s house and gets the best steal of his life, “son”; A woman is celebrating her thirtieth birthday. Her friend gives her a mysterious gift. It is revealed that it is the body of a man she has long admired. Two lovers who have not seen each other for a year are dating again. Both of them are reluctant, but they can not forget the harmonious sex at that time. They almost miss it. One beautiful night, four stories, four wonderful sexual adventures. No credit information is available for this movie. You can help add!
绘里(樱木优希音 饰)一个人住在已故父亲正三留下来的房子里,拥有护士资格的她成功应征上藤村医院,即将展开新工作。某天当她一个人待在屋子里,对着父亲的遗照说话时,玄关突然传来了声响,她前去察看时,只看到一把花束。藤村医院的院长光夫是一位成熟又风度翩翩的男人,绘里对他抱有好感,甚至在工作时脑子里不禁会冒出一些限制级的画面。这天当她下班回家时,赫然发现离家出走许久的姐姐良绘竟然回家了。原来良绘被不伦的对象抛弃,只好回到老家来,对于一向任性的姊姊,绘里除了叹气没有其他方法。就这样日子一天天的过去,某日绘里骑车去买便当时,意外撞上了亚弓,而亚弓正是绘里在高中时期的姊妹淘,而这段重逢会掀起什么样的风波呢…?